"The Great Recession: America Becomes Thrift Nation" is the cover story and written by one of my favorite Time writers, Nancy Gibbs. Definitely not a long piece, but a very insightful look at how Americans are cutting back in difficult economic times... and how that can have a long-term impact on how people will even when economic conditions improve.
Also from this issue of Time is a fascinating story titled "Logging On to the Ivy League". The story details something I had heard about before, but not in such detail. In short, there's tons and tons of free university lectures available on both iTunes U from Apple and now YouTube Edu.
In addition to these well known platforms, lectures can be found through the OpenCourseWare Consortium which had been led in part by MIT efforts to have its coursework online. Also, www.AcademicEarth.org and www.TED.com are sites at which interesting material can be found.
Finally, an interesting mention in the Entertainment Short List section about a graduation speech from deceased writer David Foster Wallace. Might be worth checking out the speech...